Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Standard PPE KIT

                          Standard PPE KIT

A) Components of PPE:

 Components of PPE are goggles, face-shield, mask, gloves, coverall/gowns, headcover, and shoe cover. Each component use is given in the following paragraphs.

B) Face shield and goggles:
Every Person of the eyes, nose and mouth is likely in a scenario of droplets generated by cough, Sneeze of an infected person or during aerosol-generating procedures carried out in a clinical setting. The flexible frame of goggles should provide good seal with the skin of the face, covering the eyes and the surrounding areas.

C) Masks:
Contamination of mucous membranes of the mouth and nose by infective droplets or through a contaminated hand also allows the virus to enter the host.
There are two types of masks which are recommended for various categories of personnel working in hospital or community settings, depending upon the work environment:

1.    Triple-layer medical mask :
A triple layer medical mask is a disposable mask, fluid-resistant; provide protection to the wearer from droplets of infectious material emitted during coughing/sneezing/talking.

2.    N-95 Respirator mask:

Such the mask should have high fluid resistance, good breathability (preferably with an expiratory valve), clearly identifiable internal and external faces, duckbill/cup-shaped structured design that does not collapse against the mouth.

D) Shoe covers:
 Shoe covers should be made up of impermeable fabric to be used overshoes to facilitate personal protection and decontamination.

E) Headcovers:
   Coveralls usually cover the head. Those using gowns should use a headcover that covers the head and neck while providing clinical care for patients.

F) Hand Gloves:
 Hand Gloves should be made up of rubber to be used for hand in clinical care for Patients.

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